Fast Money: Fast personal loan in Singapore – ESTOA

Fast Money: Fast personal loan in Singapore

For you who are seeking to achieve your financial dreams with a totally fast loan in Singapore



Many times the content you see both on TV and on the Internet seems unattainable, a luxury far from what an ordinary citizen can live, luxury cars being squandered through the streets, new applications inside your house with whirlpool, swimming pool, gate protection system or even a reform in the house itself, are investments that come to seem utopian when desired, but it is not the case if you decide to acquire a loan with Fast Money. 

Your financial troubles can be decimated by making the right investment, and the most tangible investment to get you out of this jam is often a loan. 


So whether you live in Singapore, are in a questionable financial situation, or have an ambition for new horizons that your current money can’t match, Fast Money’s personal loan is perfect for you to achieve your goals.

With Fast Money, it is possible to locate the perfect personal loan that you are looking for for your financial needs. 


Get to know Fast Money

The Fast Money Loan Team goes beyond providing you with a financial contribution, with a great financial analysis of your profile they provide low amounts of personal loans with a very low interest rate to all those who are Singapore residents. The process period has an enormous speed, without having to worry about a long response time for the qualification of your loan. 

With Fast Money the application is easy to access, as they do not have complex requirements of your information to qualify for a loan, a differentiating factor from other lenders that often require several documentations for the application making it more and more bureaucratic.


Why is Fast Money the best loan to take out in Singapore?

Accessibility is the key essence when talking about the loans acquired with Fast Money, because all their services offered from their financial to technical issue show a huge effort on their part so that the client can get the loan without problems that you would normally have in another loan, facilitating your request, speeding it up and adapting in the best way according to your income. 

Therefore, if you are looking for a differential in product attention to your client and lack of bureaucracy in the documentation processes, this is the best loan you can get in Singapore. 


Fast Money Calculator 

Fast Money provides a personal loan calculator, where you can get a preview of the monthly repayment amounts and the interest rates applied, all this information will be based on your income, so that there is more comfort at the time of payment and there is no unforeseen financial planning before applying for the loan. 

The trust Fast Money gives you is almost like looking you in the eye and calling you a friend, because the services do not stop at just being a financial gain loan, but provide you with total help to manage your debts in a totally effective way. This entire line of factors provided by Fast Money loans is shaped perfectly to meet your financial needs. 

There are several personal loan providers in Singapore, but Fast Money stands out mainly on the issue of interest rates, positioned as one of the lowest in the country. And given this low percentage in the distribution of interest rates, it makes it much easier for you to buy a new car to drive on the streets without having to rely on public transport to get around, to make a good academic investment for your child, either by paying college or high school tuition fees, or even to pay for an extra course for specific learning such as singing or wrestling lessons.

How do I contact Fast Money?

If you have questions regarding the operation of the personal loan, from issues you go through with the active loan or information on how to get started with your loan, there is a contact phone number on which you can get all your questions answered regarding the Fast Money loan. To solve your questions you can contact the following numbers: (+65) 6224 4746 / 6224 4749. On this phone one of the attendants will give you all the attention possible to leave you without any doubts on how to apply and how the active loan works.

What are the selection criteria for the Fast Money Loan? 

To get a Fast Money loan pre-approval some criteria are required. Once your profile has been submitted, an analysis will be carried out by the Fast Money internal team, checking all the information given by the customer, and if there are no pending issues, the loan qualification will proceed.

It is important to note that the eligibility characteristics between Singapore residents and foreigners in Singapore are different. Therefore, do not be confused when it comes to applying for a loan with Fast Money and pay attention to the requirements according to your corresponding profile.  

For Singapore residents

  • First of all, you must be a Singaporean citizen, proving to be a permanent resident in the country. 
  • For Fast Money loan applications, the permissible age is 21 and above, with no exceptions for anyone under this age.
  • You must provide your telephone bill or a utility bill, all of which are located in Singapore.
  • If you are in a job you will need the salary slips for the last 3 months scanned, 15 months of CPF or the income tax return.
  • If you are self-employed you are required to file an Income Tax Return for the last two years.  

For foreigners 

  • An original passport, proving that you are legally in the country of SIngapure.
  • An original, valid work permit.
  • A contract proving your rental for Premise, PUB Bill or Hand Phone Bill.
  • A letter of appointment granted by your company.
  •  Wage slips for the last 3 months.
  • To prove that your company is paying you properly and you can afford this loan, you must provide a bank statement for your salary. 


Fast Money Loan is the perfect for you who value quality in speed, adaptation to your financial income and comfort in paying fees without having a financial squeeze. Fast and smooth service for you who live in Singapore and seek to achieve financial goals that seem distant in your day to day life. 

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